
A couple of weeks ago, I had a conversation with someone I look up to a lot. They reminded me of the power of the word “yet.” It’s a future, growth, and learning focused word.

I’m glad he reminded me of it because lately I have been very fixed minded. My default thinking seems to be set to deterministic and defeatist language. I often say, “I’m no good at that,” or “I can’t do that.” Those phrases suppose that I’m static and can’t change. To quote a cartoon, “I yam what I yam.” But that’s not the case. I am a human capable of change and learning. I may not be good at something now, but I can get better with effort and practice.

I recently served as a substitute teacher at a school in town. The teacher had this cool bulletin board all about the word “yet.” I love that the teacher instills a growth mindset word in her students! I wish I had owned the word “yet” when I was growing up. I used to say “I can’t” to my parents every time I did homework. School was hard for me. Learning came easy, but the discipline of “doing school” was really a challenge.

I struggle with “yet” but I’m learning to be a “yet” person. I’m not a great writer, yet. I’m not good at the electric guitar, yet. I’m not good at getting out of depressed thoughts, yet!

I’m really thankful that God loves the word “yet.” He doesn’t let us sit in our fatalistic and defeatist selves. He looks at us and sees someone to be transformed. He sees a future us. A future where we can be with Him. We are being transformed into who He wants us to be every day. We live a “yet” life with God because He doesn’t give up on us. I don’t know about you, but that’s really, really cool!

So here’s to “yet.” I hope you will join me on this journey.

I’m not good at yet, yet!